1.Organic practice for a sustainable future
Sustainable organic farming is a cultural tradition among Nepali farmers. For the event, they retain a couple of bulls for plow work, a few cows or buffalo for milk, and poultry, a pig, or a goat for meat to serve the visitors. The farmyard waste is sufficient to keep the land fertile. Scientific research has demonstrated the pest-repelling and nitrogen-fixing properties of hedging plants like Adhatoda Vasica and Insigne Saplin. Small farmers in Nepal hence rarely require harmful pesticides or outside inputs, or in other words, their farming practices are really organic.
The installation of processing units close to the planting area by local teenagers was made possible by the introduction of small Chinese machinery in 2010. Small-scale farmers' majority female members pick themselves or with the help of their relatives. Small groups appear to harvest the green leaf twice or perhaps three times per day. The goal of improving quality has been strongly backed by this practice.
Small processing facilities are frequently found in isolated areas or at elevations above 1200 meters, particularly in the Mai Pokhari region of Ilam and northern Panchthar. The standard of plucking may be easily maintained because leaf growth is somewhat modest. According to preliminary studies, linalool, a tasting ingredient, is present in higher elevations where caffeine is less common. This made Nepal tea one of the Himalayas' healthiest beverages.
Small processors are guided by the maxims "quality pays" and "small is beautiful." Most small producers of tea (WHITE, OOLONG, GOLDEN NEEDLE/TIPS, AND PREMIUM GREEN) choose to manufacture specialized tea. Chinese connoisseurs are taking notice of these teas. Additionally, these teas were able to command higher prices from both the EU and the USA. Farmers have received a favorable (clear) message as a result: pick carefully to achieve a better price. Nepal Specialty tea has already received numerous honors from competitions such as the North American Tea Championship, the China International Tea Competition, Australia, and Canada.
Although nature has endowed Nepal with the ability to produce high-quality tea with a distinctive aroma and taste, as well as an abundance of nutritious ingredients, the processors are struggling to preserve the treasure or natural blessings due to resource limitations and a lack of infrastructure in the early stages.
The quality trademark (collective tea logo) that the government has now imposed is directly related to the Total Quality Assurance System and all other food safety measures.
On the other hand, nearly all of the small processors, seasoned exporters, and marketing experts have teamed up to establish the Eastern Tea Processing Company, a well-equipped tea refining, packaging, and marketing consortium with the most up-to-date technology to completely avoid PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION. The business is getting ready to serve tea:
1. Devoid of foreign objects.
2. Chemical pesticides without residue.
3. The desired humidity level.
4. Packaging that is guaranteed to keep the flavor and prevent moisture throughout transit.
5. Reduce logistical expenses for cargo, etc.
The Joint Marketing Consortium will run a fully reliable business when sourcing Nepalese small processors tea from producers ing/single door.
Briefly stated, Nepal is a small nation that struggles to compete in large-scale production with its enormous neighbors. High-value The only path to the ideal outcome for developing tea as an ecologically sound, economically sound, and socially responsible export crop for Nepal and a really healthy beverage for the global society is through specialty tea to a niche market and orthodox tea.
It has been established that Nepal tea can compete with any other high-quality teas in terms of price. The Champagne of teas, Darjeeling, is deteriorating due to age issues, losing flavor and aroma ( 200 years old ). Currently, other nations have little chance of creating such goods. It will be a hot cake in the beverage after its brand is established.