
Tea Processing in Nepal

One of the reasons Nepal Tea is growing and has potential in the market is; the tea is handpicked, and it is taken to a processing facility to start the subsequent step of production. As soon as the tea is plucked, it starts to oxidize, hence these centers are situated close to the fields. Pure tea is the result of oxidation, which occurs when oxygen interacts with tea leaves to alter their flavor or appearance. Each form of tea undergoes a different process, with white tea undergoing the least amount of processing and green tea undergoing only a little processing. Oolong and black tea have a similar production process, but oolong tea undergoes less oxidation than black tea, giving it a distinctive flavor. This phase of the process can include stages like yellowing, shaping, and withering.
The tea is subsequently dried, which can be done in one of two methods. Depending on the desired outcome and flavor, leaves are either steamed or roasted. It can be enjoyable to go through this process to learn about the growing and production methods used to produce your favorite loose-leaf tea.
Naturally, some tea leaves are later removed from this stage to make tea bags, which is a completely separate step in the production process. Tea is next graded usually small producers use the traditional method of hand sorting and testing to complete the process before being packaged into the container. From there, it is transported across the globe before arriving at where you usually buy your tea. Your cup of tea, which has so many health advantages, has been made with a lot of attention and energy because, as you can understand, the entire procedure can take some time. You'll now appreciate the work that went into transporting the tea leaves from the field to your home so that you can drink them the next time you enjoy a cup of tea.

Tea processing keywords to display in front: Hand plucked, Hand sorting