
Organization Objectives

  • Ensure consistency in quality/food safety of SFTI tea collectively using advanced machineries and arrange cost effective shipment to assure competitiveness in the international market to attract volume buyers.

  • Value addition of tea by packaging into attractive consumer packet like paper teabag, nylon teabag, envelope teabag, sachet pack, gift wrap etc. in its own brand to create sustainable market.

  • Support and facilitate tea farmers / processors in organic cum quality enhancing skill to assure quality tea and brand globally by creating a sustainable CSR fund from sales revenue of the project

  • Encourage remote area tea farmers to establish own tea factory with assurance of buyback guarantee of their produce tea.

  • Supply machinery and technical support to needy tea farmers and motivate more farmers towards tea plantation.

  • STAN had identified standard packaging and branding of tea for consumer market. Through the members meeting already logo and name is finalized as below and preparing to launch in domestic market very soon in 2022.

  •  Brand name Saanako Chiya represents the small farmers product.

  • Couple in typical Nepali dress up plucking tea happily represent family farm and farmers who are happy with their life.

  • Tea leaves shown in bottom are the two leaves and bud is the minimum standard of plucking.

  • Promoting Small Farmers Premium Teas is the slogan of STAN

  • Rest of the background are the climate and geography of Nepal